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the big shot中文是什么意思

用"the big shot"造句"the big shot"怎么读"the big shot" in a sentence


  • 实业大王
  • "big shot"中文翻译    〔俚语〕 = big bug.
  • "a big shot" 中文翻译 :    大人物, 大亨; 具有影响力的人;要人;大人物;大; 要人
  • "as big as shot" 中文翻译 :    飞快地
  • "big shot" 中文翻译 :    〔俚语〕 = big bug.
  • "bcs big close shot" 中文翻译 :    大特写镜头
  • "tonotch, big shot" 中文翻译 :    大腕
  • "top notch, big shot" 中文翻译 :    大腕
  • "a big shot = an important person" 中文翻译 :    大腕儿,大亨
  • "a shot" 中文翻译 :    打一针药
  • "as a shot" 中文翻译 :    作为猜测
  • "no shot" 中文翻译 :    未放炮
  • "not shot" 中文翻译 :    未爆炸
  • "shot" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.打[发射]出去的;被射中的;发了芽的。 2.〔美俚〕坏得不能再使用的;注定要失败的。 3.【纺织;印染】杂色的,闪光的,色彩幻变的。 4.〔俚语〕喝醉了的。 shot cloth 闪光绸。 crimson shot with gold 闪金光的深红色。 half shot 醉得差不多了。 shot through with 充满…的。 shot to pieces 破烂不堪的;毁坏了的。 n. (pl. shots) 1.〔pl. shot〕弹,子弹,炮弹;散弹;【运】铅球。 2.射击,打枪,开炮;枪声;炮声;(网的)一撒;〔口语〕(烈酒的)一口;〔俚语〕(吗啡等的)注射;〔俚语〕(酒吧等的)账。 3.射程;瞄准;狙击。 4.射手,枪手。 5.猜测,推测。 6.【矿物】炸破,爆破;炸药;【运】射门;投篮;(网球,台球)一击;【纺织;印染】投梭;(电影和摄影的)拍摄距离;拍摄;镜头;照片;〔美国〕【无线电】广播节目。 a shot of distress 遇难信号炮。 a pot shot 容易的狙击。 a bad shot 不行的射击手;猜错,搞错。 a dead shot 神枪手。 a good shot 好枪手,好射手;猜对。 Good shot! 打得好!好球! a crane [zoon] shot 【电影】俯瞰摄影。 a long shot 长射程;远程摄影;远景(镜头);大胆的企图[猜测]。 a mid shot 【电影】中景。 a follow shot 【电影】跟镜头。 a model shot 【电影】模型摄影。 a big shot 〔美俚〕名人。 shot beer 加有酒精的啤酒。 as a shot 作为猜测 (As a shot I should say she's about forty. 看来她怕有四十岁左右了)。 at a shot 一枪就。 get [have, make] a shot at 射击;推测,猜测。 have a shot for [at] 尝试,试试看。 in shot 在射程内。 like a shot 〔口语〕(像子弹一样)快,立刻。 not ... by a long shot 绝对没有希望的,绝对不行的。 not worth powder and shot 〔口语〕不值得费力。 off like a shot 子弹一样地,立刻。 out of shot 在射程外。 pay [stand] the shot 〔俚语〕付账。 put the shot 掷铅球。 within ear-shot [rifle-shot] 在听得见[子弹打得到]的距离内。 within shot =in shot. vt.(-tt-) 装弹药;装沙子;石子摇洗(瓶子等);用铁锤吊着使沉下,加铅粒使沉重;(用喷射法)使成颗粒。
  • "shot to" 中文翻译 :    猛涨
  • "big" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.大,巨大;大规模的;已长大的。 2.〔口语〕重要的,重大的;伟大的;出名的,极成功的,受欢迎的。 3.骄傲的,傲慢的,自大的。 4.怀着(孕),有(身子);〔比喻〕充满着…的,洋溢着…的 (with)。 5.宽大的,宽宏大量的。 6.〔口语〕(风等)剧烈的。 a big house 大房子。 a big enterprise 大企业。 a big pay 高薪。 art with a big A 具有特种暗含意义的艺术;抽象的艺术。 the big man of the town 城中名人。 big words 豪言壮语,大话。 He looks big. 他神气活现。 That's very big of you. 你真宽宏大量。 big with (young, child) 怀孕,有喜。 a question big with the fate of the Empire 有关帝国生死存亡的问题。 eyes big with tears 满眼泪水。 a big storm [earthquake] 剧烈的风暴[地震]。 a big piece of news 重要新闻。 as big as life 和原物一样大。 be big on 〔口语〕热衷;偏爱。 be [get, grow] too big for one's boots [breeches, trousers] 妄自尊大,目中无人。 go over big 〔美口〕(演出等)大大成功;(演员等)大受欢迎。 make big 〔美俚〕飞黄腾达。 adv. 1.〔口语〕非常大量。 2.〔口语〕自大,夸大。 3.宽宏大量地。 4.成功地。 talk big吹牛。 eat big 食量大。 a big busy day 忙得不可开交的一天。 pay big 付给高薪[高报酬]。 n. 大亨,巨子;大公司。 n. -ness 大,巨大,庞大,重大;夸大 (bigness scale 粗测)。
  • "big a" 中文翻译 :    blood group a a血型
  • "big t" 中文翻译 :    大t形编队
  • "big will" 中文翻译 :    众神的意志; 诸神的意志
  • "big-t" 中文翻译 :    大t形编队
  • "this big" 中文翻译 :    这般大小
  • "putting the shot, shot put" 中文翻译 :    推..; 推铅球
  • "putting the shot,shot put" 中文翻译 :    推铅球
  • "shot-by-shot deconvolution" 中文翻译 :    逐炮反褶积
  • "shot-reverse-shot" 中文翻译 :    拍摄主体之视线方向,后拍摄
  • "shot; steel shot" 中文翻译 :    钢丸


  • All the while the blonde continued dancing, smiling faintly at the big shots who watched her with fascination .
  • The big shot was on the verge of bankruptcy
  • The big shot is on the edge of bankruptcy
  • Harry has been one of the big shots in this town
  • That ' s him . the big shot
  • He was the tough guy , the big shot , who gave orders with the crack of a whip
  • He was the tough guy , the big shot , who gave orders with the crack of a whip
  • He was the tough guy , the big shot , who gave orders with the crack of a whip
  • He was the tough guy , the big shot , who gave orders with the crack of a whip
  • Money talks , that ' s for sure . all the best seats were reserved for the big shots
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"the big shot"造句  


The Big Shot (1942) is a crime drama film starring Humphrey Bogart as a crime boss and Irene Manning as the woman with whom he falls in love. This was the last film in which former supporting player Bogart, who had finally reached stardom with High Sierra (1940) and The Maltese Falcon (1941), would portray a gangster.
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